Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Continue and Live

As I pass on the trials in my life.I've learned that no matter what, it's your heart that will light your own path.So continue and live then believe.

This life is not taken for granted.
So,never ever choose to surrender and to be corrupted with pains .
Live up,put a smile on your face for life is not all about problems, of course.
It's how you make it worth living for.
Pleasure and happiness is a big part of your life,don't ever forget that.
If there is a chance grab hold into it with all your might for it is where you'll be able to start all over whenever you have fallen down.
Wrap your hands with those positive thoughts and learn to set your eyes with a future with a positive outcome.
Think about that fateful happenings to your life and cherish every single moments that you can bring a smile to your beautiful face and to others heart.
Don't ever learn to give up just hold my hand.
I'm here to help.I've always been here to help.
You are never meant to be alone so stand up come closer and learn to be with them.
Your life is your choices, your decisions, your past,present, and future..
Choose right and fight for it.
Face this realities in life and don't ever give in to those wrong beliefs.
Learn, stand up, then move with your hearts voice and have faith in it.
Feel your feet where it goes and know when to stop.
This life is a continuous process but you also should know when to stop and think.
Use your senses,your thoughts and your heart, then live.
Live with a smile,with a heart full of passion, and with a life full of happiness.
Just smile and you'll forget every last bit of those bad memories.
I'll be there, don't worry i won't leave.
I'll be here forever if you need.
Let's live this life, our life together with smiles on our faces, FOREVER...
"That is all what I wish."

"Hear Me Out"

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